Book an appointment.

It all begins with an idea. I can’t wait to work with you.


Please select a size based on the approximate size of the largest part of the tattoo. This is an imperfect science, but it gets the design process started. Long and narrow tattoos don’t fit well within this model, for example, if the tattoo is 6” long but 1” or less wide, this could be a 3-4” appt. Please email if you have questions about the type of appointment you’ll need. Please note: 6+” appointments (especially detailed) may require multiple appointments to complete, I highly recommend emailing or scheduling a consultation to map out the plan for your multisession pieces. 

Detailed vs Simple Appointments:

“Simple” designation refers to designs that are primarily line work, typically with very little shading and intricacy. Text work can fall into this category if it is a few words or a phrase. Examples of simple designs: single line objects, small text, tiny tattoo (w/little shading), bees/bugs, lined only designs. 

“Detailed” designation refers to designs with high complexity, typically with lots of shading, realism, and/or challenging location (abdomen, chest, neck, hands, etc.). Examples of tattoos like this are florals/botanicals, animals, sleeves, partial sleeves, landscapes.

Custom Tattoos

“Custom tattoos” refer to unique designs that you would like Jordan to design for you. Please review the FAQs page to learn more about the design process, requirements, and design fees. 

To book custom: Please indicate on your booking request that this is a custom piece. You will be prompted to provide additional information about your design, such as size, description, and reference imagery. This is incredibly important to the design process - please be as thorough as possible when completing this form, if you have a very clear idea of what you want, let me know, if you have a general idea and are happy to let me take the creative lead, let me know.

Flash Tattoos

“Flash” refers to designs that Jordan has pre-drawn, and are available for immediate booking. To view Jordan’s flash, visit her Instagram and see the “Flash” highlight on her page. Some flash pieces have minimum size restrictions, which will be stated on the image.

To book flash: click the appointment type based on size and simple/detailed and follow the remaining booking prompts (please attach a screenshot of the flash piece you are booking).


In some instances where custom pieces are large or intricate, you may be asked to first book a consultation appointment to talk through your design. This will help ensure that this process moves smoothly and both the client and artist are on the same page.

Quick Tip: Schedule a consultation and your tattoo appointment at the same time to ensure a timely completion of your design. If books are full: schedule a consultation and you’ll be added to my waitlist for access to last minute cancellations and early access to new appointment times opening up.